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Jun 22, 20175 min read
Amazon vs Walmart: An Online/Offline Epic Battle
The whole world continues spinning crazily after my cancer treatment began in late April; And a lot has been going on in the Technology,...

May 24, 20174 min read
Retail Stores Never Die
"I don't think retail is dead. Mediocre retail experiences are dead." - Neil Blumenthal, Co-CEO @ Warby Parker, 1/17 The Quarterly...

Apr 15, 20173 min read
ReWork: US Medical System
It's been a month now undergone different diagnosis in UCI... Saw almost two full hands of various therapists and physicians in different...

Mar 30, 20175 min read
Yes, I Have Cancer
I've struggled quite a bit before making the decision to share this personal news to public. It takes me a lot of courage to step up...

Mar 14, 20175 min read
The Solo Coffee Shop's Survival Guide
Coffee (ICEUS) is a BIG business. The National Coffee Association published a study on the economic impact of coffee in the U.S.,...

Mar 1, 20173 min read
5G - A Revolution Begins
Starting from the year 2020, the business world will be revolutionized by the 5th Generation Mobile Networks/Wireless Systems (IMT-2020;...

Feb 19, 20173 min read
To Startups, Profit Loss Is Immoral.
Nowadays, most of the START-UP news I read and hear is all likely about their success in obtaining a new round of funding in XYZ amount...

Feb 6, 20174 min read
Facebook RIP End Ch
Where were we? Ah -- Facebook (FB)! That intimate place to share in once upon a time. It turns 13 this year (born on 02.05.2004). Its...

Feb 4, 20177 min read
Facebook RIP Pt 2
Under the ownership and control of a powerful founder CEO Mark Zuckerberg, who upheld 60.1% of Class B Vote shares with proxies (April...

Jan 28, 20177 min read
Facebook RIP Pt 1
May Facebook's soul rest in peace. A high percentage of users are reported quitting their behavior to regularly logging into the social...
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