To All My Readers,
Today marked the one-year anniversary of "".
Wohoo! I'm very excited. Also, grateful I'm still alive writing you this blog. If you're been following, you know why I said so.
First off, I would like to give a special thanks to all the visitors in the past, and look forward to provide more excellent quality of content here in the future.
After a year collection of traffic data, I learnt a whole lot of your interests and dislikes. In my personal level, even though this ain't my first experience in building a web site, but this new build is still a great journey, from design sketch to execution, to operating 24/7. Not limited to design thinking in User Experience (UX), my knowledge and skills in how to drive more web traffic thru SEO and Social Media channels has turned more dynamic and further strengthened as well.
"Life is a Circle"
The site, including the Mobile Edition, now enters into its 3.0 stage with a brand new home page and other major UI makeovers with element simplification: enlarged the Polaroid logo* in header; tuned font types and colors; and importantly, applied dozens of structural updates for you to easier navigate and focus on content reading. Its optimization won't just stop there. The site'll continue evolving and adopting the new UI principles, and more experiments will be everlasting tested in an infinity loop for your better visiting experience.
For the non-programmers, you may be curious about this blog's title. After you googled it, you may probably find out what that means already. It's actually representing the negative infinity number in Python, typically used as a starting value for maximization problem. And exactly, what the purpose of this web site is about - Problem Solving.
Stay tuned. And Please don't hesitate to feedback. Love to hear from you.
*I am not an affiliate/or partner of Polaroid, but simply love the idea of using Polaroid camera to capture every meaningful moment in life. Therefore, its corporate logo has been adopted in the header since launched, and it's a registered trademark of PLR IP Holdings, LLC. in the United States and/or other countries. Respect.
(Update): To align with the new design language of my workspace, I had retired the use of Polaroid's icon logo in v.1 and replaced with a new icon in the black strip complying with the blog's philosophy - IDEAS COUNT. Furthermore, there are many patches completed since after the launch. Thanks for reading.